Minutes February 10, 2016

February 10, 2016

Regular Board Meeting called to order at 7:00 p.m.. Present: Bruce Hokanson, Kerry Tetzner, John Hartzell, Steven Tetzner, Mike Havey and Donna Chapman.

Meeting notices were properly posted in the three public places and published in the Daily Press.

Meeting minutes from the January 12, 2015 meeting were read and written copies given to the Board Members. Motion by John Hartzell and a second by Steven Tetzner to accept as presented. Motion carried. All Ayes

Donna gave Treasurer’s report. Property taxes are done and brought to county. All books are balanced. Motion by Steven Tetzner and a second by John Hartzell to accept report. Motion carried. All Ayes.

There was no plan commission meeting this month.

Mike Harvey gave crew report. A lot of snow plowing and sanding being done. The steamer is fixed. A motion by Steven Tetzner and a second by John Hartzell to have lettering put on the 2016 one ton. Motion carried, all Ayes. The New Holland Tractor needs some work. Mike is going to check out prices for repairs and new tires for it. A motion by John Hartzell and a second by Steven Tetzner to accept report. Motion carried, all Ayes.

Some talk on the sale of the one ton truck. Five people interested in it for a price of $5000.00.

John Hartzell is continuing work on purchasing procedures and amount spent without Board approval.

A motion and a second to pay all current bills.

A motion and a second to adjourn.

Kerry Tetzner, Clerk