Meeting Agenda July 9, 2019

Town of Washburn
Bayfield County

The Town Board of the Town of Washburn, Bayfield County, Wisconsin, hereby provides its written notice and an agenda of the public meeting of the Town Board for Tuesday, July 9, 2019, at 7:00 p.m. at the Washburn Town Hall. Communication of this public meeting has been provided to the requisite news media.


1. Call to order and roll call
2. Verification of proper public notice
3. Public Comment

Consider for approval or other action:

4. Acceptance of Agenda
5. Minutes from previous month meeting.
6. Reports and updates:
a. Clerk
b. Treasurer
c. Road Superintendent
d. Chairperson
7. Plan Commission
Approve driveway permit for: Gierczic on Cty C Hwy
8. Ruth Hartzell request to discuss board action on contract for pest control (cluster flies)
9. Jackie Bachand request to discuss board action to open Cty C from Big Rock Road to McKinley Road for ATVs
10. LED lights (Wendy)
11. Voting Machine information (Wendy/John)
12. Road Grants (Wendy/John)
13. Open bids for gravel
14. Items to be placed on future agendas
15. Authorize the payment of bills
16. Adjournment

Meeting notice posted this 3rd day of July, 2019 on the Town’s website at
And at:
Washburn Town Hall, Tetzner’s Dairy, Tetzner’s Greenhouse

Sandra J. Raspotnik, Town Chairperson