Special Meeting – Jan. 30, 2024

January 30, 2024

Special meeting virtual was called to order at 2:30 pm. Present: Kerry Tetzner by phone, Scottie Sandstrom, Sandy Raspotnik, Jim Park, Melissa Amrein, Dana Benson, Gina Park, Monique Mattson, Ron Rechel, Brenda Rechel, Wendy Stein, Robert Short, Steve Bade, Bob Mattson, Sarah Tetzner, Lynn Adams, Patrick Moore, Joe Tetzner, D & L Weigel, Fran Rechcygl, and one who would not identify themselves.

Meeting notices were posted in the three public places, and on the website.

Sandy said there was no public comment because there was not time.

The reason for the meeting was to respond to Rural Insurance because of the response from the underwriter for Rural Insurance. They wrote, “Thank you for the additional information. I would require the following in order to make an exception on this driver:

  1. Vehicles and equipment deductible would need to be increased to $1000.00.
  2. IRPM (discount) on policy needs to be amended from .41d to .35d.

Josh Huray wrote. “I requoted your policy with the changes my underwriter would require in order to allow Matthew Lippo to be a driver on the policy, with raising the deductibles on your vehicles and equipment to $1000.00 and taking 6% discount off, the premium goes from $13,898.00 a year to $14,983.00 a year. If you decide this is acceptable, the changes would take place on your renewal date of 04/12/24.”

A motion by Sandy Raspotnik and a second by Jim Park to accept the above requote.

Scottie Sandstrom discussed the hiring timeline and was concerned regarding liability issues with an insurance rate hike for the Town.

Jim Park said that checking into the passed of a person was discrimination.

Sandy Raspotnik said that accepting the increased deductibles and increased premium from the insurance company was the cost of doing business.

A vote was taken on the above motion: Jim Park, yes, Sandy Raspotnik, yes, Scottie Sandstrom, no. Motion carried.

A motion by Jim Park and a second by Scottie Sandstrom to adjourn. Motion carried.



Kerry Tetzner, Clerk