Planning Commission Tuesday September 6 2022 7:00 pm

Town of Washburn
Plan Commission Meeting
Date &Time: 7:00 P.M., Tuesday, September 6, 2022.*
Location: Town Hall

Updated Agenda (September 4, 2022)

  1. Call meeting to order and verify legal notification.
  2. Approve minutes of meeting of August 7, 2022.
  3. Review driveway permit application and county Class A Special Use application for Jake and Lynne Waatti to build a residence in an Agriculture 1 zoning district extend a driveway to a replacement residence on their 5.5-acre parcel (~W½ SW¼NW¼ Section 12 T.48N R.5W; Tax ID#:38844; 74550 Bjork Rd).
  4. Review driveway permit application Rose Speiler-Sandberg & Tim Heil to provide access to their 30 acre parcel (SE¼SE¼ minus N½ N½ Section 35 T.49N R.5W; Tax ID #37919; ~75615 McKinley Rd).
  5. Review county RV placement and Class A Special Use permit application for Lynn & Danial Catlin to place a recreational vehicle in their existing driveway on their 5 acre parcel at 76395 Church Corner Rd (S½NE¼ NE¼ SE¼ Section 33 T49N R5W; Tax ID#31165).
  6. Review county Class A Special Use permit application for Ryan & Andrea Collins to replace their residence that burned down on their 20 acre parcel at 30490 County Hwy C (E½SE¼SW¼ Section 25 T.49N R.5W; Tax ID#30983).
  7. Set date and time for a site visit of the closed landfill on S. Maple Hill Rd after Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources provides documents regarding closure design and post-closure maintenance requirements.
  8. Set date and time for next meeting. Propose: Tuesday, October 4, 2022, 7:00 P.M.
  9. Announcements
  10. Adjournment.

* Commission members will conduct site visits at 6:15pm prior to the meeting starting at Bjork Rd.

Submitted by:

Kenneth Bro, Chair
Town of Washburn Plan Commission
75411 Church Corner Rd.
Washburn, WI 54891
Cell: 715-292-0034