Planning Commission Meeting Sunday November 6, 2022 4:15 pm

Town of Washburn
Plan Commission Meeting
Date &Time: 4:15P.M., Sunday, November 6, 2022.*
Location: Town Hall


  1. Call meeting to order and verify legal notification.
  2. Approve minutes meetings of October 4 & October 16, 2022.
  3. Review driveway permit application for Fred & Andrea Dollen on their 8.2 acre parcel (SW¼SE¼ Section 21 T.49N R.5W; Tax ID #38772; on N. Maple Hill Rd. 0.3 miles west of Church Corner Rd).
  4. Review driveway permit application for Michael & Bonnie Zifko to access their 40 acre parcel via a 30 foot easement (W½SW¼ Section 10 T.48N R.5W; north of intersection of Viater & Engoe Roads).
  5. Review county Class A Special Use Permit for Potters Farm to use the organization’s farm house for short-term rental on their 41 acre parcel in an Agriculture 1 zoning district (NE¼NW¼ Section 2 T.48N R.5W; Tax ID # 30574 75900 Potters Farm Rd.).
  6. Discuss short-term rentals for Town of Washburn.
  7. Discuss results of community field visit to closed landfill on October 16, 2022
  8. Set date and time for next meeting. Propose: Sunday, December 4, 2022, 3:30 P.M. if visits required
  9. Announcements
  10. Adjournment

* Commission members will conduct site visits beginning at N. Maple Hill Rd. beginning at 3:30pm prior to the meeting.

Submitted by:

Kenneth Bro, Chair
Town of Washburn Plan Commission
75411 Church Corner Rd.
Washburn, WI 54891

Cell: 715-292-0034
