Meeting Minutes – Dec. 12, 2023

December 12, 2023

Regular Board Meeting called to order at 7:00 p.m. Present: Kerry Tetzner, Sandy Raspotnik, Jim Park, Scottie Sandstrom, Lynn Adams, Mike Harvey, Matthew Lippo, Derrick Bacha, Wendy Stein, and Joyce Zifko.

Meeting notices were posted in the two public places, website, and published in the Daily Press.

A motion by Scottie Sandstrom and a second by Jim Park to approve the agenda. Motion carried. All Ayes.

Meeting minutes from November 14, November 28, and December 5, 2023 were read and written copies given to the Board Members. Motion by Jim Park and a second by Scottie Sandstrom to accept as presented. Motion carried. All Ayes.

Lynn Adams gave the Treasurer report. All books are balanced. The Clerks and Treasurers computers are mirrored. Property Taxes have been mailed out. Motion by Scottie Sandstrom and a second by Jim Park to approve report. Motion carried. All Ayes.

Mike Harvey gave the crew report. Grader blades have been ordered. The 2015 Plow Truck, was brought up to Duluth for repairs on wiring etc. The Front-End Loader has been repaired. A motion by Jim Park and a second by Scottie Sandstrom to approve report. Motion carried. All Ayes.

No Chair report.

No Plan Commission report.

Supervisor Sandstrom and Derrick Bacha (Design Engineer from Short, Elliott, & Hendrickson for the Wannebo Road project), reported on the recent road estimate for 2024 construction. Sandstrom indicated that he had made a written request to the NW Region Office of WisDOT for a “Change of Management” request for additional Federal dollars for the project because of the current estimate for construction being near $200,000 higher than the construction estimate dollars provided via the grant early this year. WisDOT informed the Town that the Federal dollars were capped for the project, with no other dollars available beyond the original grant amount. In order to keep the Town within its 2024 budget dollars available, Bacha suggested three options where the Town could change the scope of the project to keep within budget. Those areas were to (1) eliminate all striping on the road after construction, (2) retain all current signage on the road instead of adding all new signage, and (3) to shorten the construction length on the road to 1.5 miles going west of Chequamegon Heights Road toward Ondossagon Road, instead of constructing the entire 2 miles to Ondossagon Road. A motion was made by Chair Raspotnik, to change the scope of the project as indicated above. If the bid next spring for the project comes in lower than expectations, the Town could pave additional length of the project toward Ondossagon Road, while still keeping within budget. Jim Park seconded that motion. Motion carried. All Ayes.

A motion by Sandy Raspotnik and a second by Jim Park to hire Matthew Lippo for road crew. Motion carried. Sandy Raspotnik and Jim Park, Ayes, Scottie Sandstrom, Nay. Motion carried two to one.

A motion by Jim Park and a second by Scottie Sandstrom to send a letter of support to Bayfield County for the RAISE project. Motion carried. All Ayes.

The City of Washburn is looking into the purchase of a new Fire Truck, more info to come later.

A motion by Jim Park and a second by Scottie Sandstrom to purchase virus protection for the Town’s computers. Motion carried. All Ayes.

A motion by Jim Park and a second by Scottie Sandstrom to pay all current bills. Motion carried.

A motion and a second to adjourn.


Kerry Tetzner, Clerk