Meeting Agenda June 13, 2017

Town of Washburn

Regular Town Board Meeting

Date: June 13, 2017 7:00 PM

Town Board Meeting at Town Hall

Call Meeting to Order and Verify of its legal notification

(Notices are in The Daily Press, posted at the

Town Hall, at Former C-Side Inn, Tetzner’s Dairy and at Town of Washburn Website

1. Roll Call

2. Public Comment

3. Clerk’s Report and Reading of the “Minutes of the Last Board Meeting”

4. Treasurer’s Report

5. Road Superintendent’s Report

6. Town Plan Commission Minutes – Review

7. Discussion – Possible Action – Placement of Town Forest into Community Forest (Wendy Stein) Town Board to Vote

8. Discussion – Possible Action – U.S. Forest Service Payment from Duane Raspotnik 11-16-15 6-1-15

9. Discussion – Possible Action – Class “A” Permit – Kevin Zak @ 27205 Engoe Road

10. Discussion – Possible Action – Quote on Replacement of Culvert on Wannebo Road – Need 10’ Extension

11. Discussion – Possible Action – Mark Morey Hayfield Driveway Permit

12. Discussion – Possible Action – Road Inspection

13. Discussion – Possible Action –

a. Gravel Bids

b. Crushed Blacktop Bids

c. Chip Seal Bids

14. Discussion – Possible Action – City of Washburn Fire & Ambulance

15. Authorize Payment of Bills

16. Set Time and Date for Plan Commission Meeting – July ??, 2017

Set Time and Date for next Regular Town Board Meeting – Tuesday – July 11, 2017 7 PM Town Hall

17. Adjournment

Submitted By,

Bruce Hokanson