Town of Washburn Caucus Minutes January 16, 1993
Caucus meeting called to order at 2:00 P.M. by Chairman Pohlman. There was motion by Pajala and a second by Jean Sorenson that Phil Tetzner be Caucus Clerk. Motion carried.
Bev Tetzner and Bea Pajala were appointed tellers.
There was a motion and a second to nominate by acclamation and vote by ballot. Motion carried.
Timm Retzloff was nominated for Chairman. There was a second. Frank Faulkner was nominated for Chairman. There was a second. Wilner Ekholm was nominated for Chairman. There was a second. Chairman Pohlman called three times for further nominations. Being none, there was a motion and a second that nominations be closed and a ballot vote taken by ballot to decide the two names to be placed on the ballot. Motion carried. Retzloff 10, Faulkner – 7, Ekholm – 8. There was a motion and a second that Timm Retzloff and Wilner Ekholm be placed on ballot. Motion carried.
Dick Mihalik was nominated for Supervisor. There was a second. Frank Faulkner was nominated for Supervisor. There was a second. Douglas Anderson was nominated for Supervisor. There was a second. Dennis Pocernich was nominated for Supervisor. There was a second. Chairman Pohlman called three times for further nominations. Being none, there was a motion and a second that these four names be placed on ballot. Motion carried.
Philip Tetzner was nominated for Clerk. There was a second. Chairman Pohlman called three times for further nominations. Being none there was a motion and a second that Philip Tetzner’s name be placed on ballot. Motion carried.
Donna Chapman was nominated for Treasurer. Chairman Pohlman called three times for further nominations. Being none, there was a motion and a second that Donna Chapman’s name be placed on ballot. Motion carried.
Philip Tetzner was nominated for Assessor. There was a second. Chairman Pohlman called three times for further nominations. Being none, there was a motion and a second that Philip Tetzner s name be placed on ballot. Motion carried.
There was a motion and a second to adjourn. Motion carried.
Philip E. Tetzner, Clerk
People Present:
Wilmer Pohlman John & Donna Iverson
Donna Chapman Philip & Beverly Tetzner
Dick Mihalik Ed & Bea Pajala
Bob Short Timm & Kerry Retzloff
Frank Faulkner Ken & Florence Swanson
Shirley Haugen Bill & Charlotte Mihalik
Jim Miller Dennis & Cathy Pocernich
Tom Cogger Linda & Jean Sorenson
Doug Anderson