Plan Commission Meeting: Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Town of Washburn

Plan Commission Meeting

Date: Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Time: 8:15 pm via Town of Washburn’s Google Meet account*


Call meeting to order and verify legal notification.

Approve minutes of meeting of January 13, 2020.

Review driveway permit application and preliminary development plan for Thomas J. Cogger to construct a residence in an Agriculture‑ zoning district on Rustic Road on a portion of his parents’ 22-acre parcel at 28745 S. Maple Hill Road (SE¼ NW¼ NE¼, S.34, T49N, R05W; TaxID#: 31178).

Elect vice chair and secretary.

Set date and time for next meeting.


* Commission members will independently visit the site prior to the meeting. To meet state health guidance, this will be a “virtual meeting” via the Town of Washburn’s Google Meet account: (smartphones or computers with videocamera and microphone), 1-631-596-0850, PIN: 521818528 (telephone). Contact chair Kim Bro (715‑373‑0214) in advance of the meeting to obtain a copy of the driveway permit application.