Plan Commission Meeting Tuesday June 4, 2024 7:00 pm

Town of Washburn
Plan Commission Meeting
Date &Time: Tuesday, June 4, 2024, 7:00 P.M.*
Location: Town Hall*



  1. Call meeting to order and verify legal notification.
  2. Approve minutes of meeting of March 10, 2024.
  3. Review driveway permit application and development plan for Elizabeth Post and Sam O’Brien on their 8.3-acre parcel in an Forestry 1 zoning district (parts of SW¼SW¼ + NW¼SW¼ Section 33 T.49N R.5W; former Tax ID #31158 across from 76165 Paulson Rd).
  4. Initial meeting of Comprehensive Plan Update Committee. Review purpose of plan, draft schedule for updating plan, and previous community survey..
  5. Set date and time for next meeting.
  6. Announcements
  7. Adjournment.

* Commission members will conduct a site visit at 6:15 P.M. prior to the meeting.

Submitted by:

Kenneth Bro, Chair
Town of Washburn Plan Commission
75411 Church Corner Rd.
Washburn, WI 54891
Cell: 715-292-0034

