Plan Commission Meeting Monday July 8, 2024 7:00 pm

Town of Washburn
Plan Commission Meeting
Date &Time: Monday, July 8, 2024, 7:00 P.M.*
Location: Town Hall*


  1. Call meeting to order and verify legal notification.
  2. Approve minutes of meeting of June 4, 2024.
  3. Review applications for town driveway permit and county Class A Special Use Permit for short-term rental for Kodi & Amanda Drinken on their 10-acre parcel in an Agriculture 1 zoning district (E½E½SE¼SW¼ Section 26 T.49N R.5W; Tax ID #31008; 29490 County Hwy C).
  4. Second meeting of Comprehensive Plan Update Task Force. Review “Issues & Opportunities” and “Housing” chapters and “Community Facilities” section of town and county plans.
    Review population and household data and projections.
    ●  Discuss town’s role regarding community services.
  5. Closed landfill update: posted a bid for mowing and preparing a bid for repairing clay cap subsidence
  6. Community postcard mailing, mail chimp notices & web page approved by town board.
  7. Set date and time for next meeting (propose Tuesday, August 6, 2024, 7:00 P.M.).
  8. Other announcements
  9. Adjournment.

* Commission members will conduct a site visit at 6:20 P.M. prior to the meeting.

Submitted by:

Kenneth Bro, chair
Washburn Town Plan Commission
75411 Church Corner Rd.
Washburn, WI 54891
Cell: 715-292-0034