Plan Commission Meeting July 7, 2020 7:00 pm

Town of Washburn
Plan Commission Meeting
Date: Tuesday, July 7, 2020
Time: 7:00 pm at the properties or (if raining) 7:30pm via Town of Washburn’s Google Meet account*


1. Call meeting to order and verify legal notification.

2. Approve minutes of meeting on May 4, 2020.

3. Review driveway permit application and preliminary development plan for Brian & Jo Nowak-Thompson to construct a residence in an Agriculture 1 zoning district at 30555 Wannebo Road on a 10-acre parcel (Lots 7+10: E½ W½ NW¼NE¼ Section 12 T.48N R.5W; Tax ID#: 31281+31284). They are requesting a county recreational vehicle permit for the period prior to residential construction. Construction of a residence will require a county Class A Special Use Permit.

4. Review driveway permit application and preliminary development plan for Heidi Nevela to build a residence in an Agriculture 1 zoning district where she plans to operate a home-based business to produce pet food supplements. Her 5-acre parcel is at 30605 Wannebo Road (Lot 6: W½ NE¼ NW¼NE¼ Section 12 T.48N R.5W; Tax ID#: 31280). Operating a home-based business requires a county Class B Special Use Permit, and construction of a residence will require a county Class A Special Use Permit

5. Set date and time for next meeting.

6. Announcements

7. Adjournment.

* Commission members will conduct site visit at 6:30pm prior to the meeting and will start the meeting at the property. Meeting participants should wear facemasks. In case of rain, this will be a “virtual meeting” at 7:30pm via the Town of Washburn’s “Google Meet” account (to follow state health guidance): (smartphones or computers with videocamera and microphone), 1 857-271-2056‬ PIN: ‪130 715 084‬# (telephone). Contact chair Kim Bro (715 373 0214) in advance of the meeting to receive a copy of the driveway permit applications.‬