Meeting Minutes September 12, 1994
Sept. 12, 1994
Meeting called to order at 7:30 P.M. Present Mihalek, Retzloff, Tetzner, and Chapman. Also Tim Schwenzfeier and Leland Harvey. Absent Frank Faulkner.
Notice of meeting was properly posted in the Daily Press and three public places in the town.
Minutes of Aug. 8 and Aug. 22 written copies were given to Board Members. Motion by Mihalek seconded by Retzloff to accept. Motion carried.
Donna Chapman gave financial report. Motion by Retzloff seconded by Mihalek to accept. Motion carried.
Discussed Tim Schwenzfeier request to open a sand pit on David Hopkins property in SE SE Sec. 25-49-5. Motion by Mihalek seconded by Retzloff to recommed approval for a conditional use permit for Calvin’s Construction Inc. to remove sand from this property. Motion carried.
Received letter from Marvin and Etta Charette concerning brush cutting on the corner of their property on Paulson and Church Corner Road. Letter on file. No action taken.
Gave town crew O.K. to build a overhead hoist in town garage.
Town Board has contacted Washburn School Board concerning no buses on Four Mile Creek Road and also contacted Larry Young instructing him to include these three small bridges in the next bridge inspection.
Reviewed Recycling Ordinance. Motion by Mihalek seconded by Retzloff to adopt ordinance adopting a part of the Town of Washburn Code of Ordinances, namely Chapter ! Recycling. Motion carried.
Motion by Retzloff to adopt resolution resolving that the Town of Washburn borrow the sum of $125,000. from the Wisconsin State Trust Fund for repair and overlay of three miles of Town blacktop roads and gravel. Also to levy a annual tax for repayment. Seconded by Mihalek. Resolution on file. Retzloff aye Mihalek aye Noes none.
Received letter from Rural Insurance concerning no Town of Washburn negligence. Copy on file.
Motion and seconded to pay all current town bills. Motion carried.
Motion and seconded to adjourn.
Philip E Tetzner, Clerk