Meeting Minutes October 5, 1993
OCTOBER 5, 1993
Meeting called to order at 7:45 P.M. Present Retzloff, Mihalek, Faulkner, Tetzner, and Chapman. Meeting was properly posted in Oct. 4 & 5 Daily Press. Also present Esther Louko, Bob & Diane Brander, Bertha Talvitie, Ed Pajala, Carol Badura, and Sleve Schraufnagel.
Written copies of 8-25 & 9-7-93 minutes were given to Board members. Motion by Mihalek and a second by Retzloff to accept. Motion carried
Donna Chapman presented Treasurer ‘s report. Motion by Retzloff and a second by Mihalek to accept. Motion carried.
Received letter of credit from C & S Design on behalf of Granger Bldrs of Marengo. Copy on File. This is in lieu of performance bond.
Special use permit for Diane and Robt Brander in the E 1/2 NE 1/4 NW 1/4 Sec 2-48-5 was discussed. Diane Brander talked of her plans for this property as a retreat center. Questions were answered. Motion by Faulkner and a second by Mihalek to approve a special limited use permit for Robt and Diane Brander for above listed property. Motion carried. Copy of permit on file.
Steve Schraufnagel reported on garage progress. Everything is on schedule and payments of $108,000.00 will be made tonight.
Received bids from Bob Olson Co. and C & W Trucking for new garage driveway. Bob Olson Co. $5675.00, C & W Trucking $8579.50. Faulkner will check with each contractor as to compaction and amount on of gravel. Motion and a second to go with bid best advantageous to Town. Motion carried.
Discussed ambulance coverage with City of Washburn. Compared costs based on population, assessed values, and number of runs per municipality. Timm will meet with City on October 7th.
Reviewed preliminary budget for 1994.
Motion and a second to pay all current Town bills and adjourn.
Philip E. Tetzner, Clerk