Meeting Minutes November 17, 1992

NOVEMBER 17, 1992

Special meeting called to order at 7:30 P M. Present Pohlman, Retzloff, Haugen and Tetzner. Also Keith and Melanie Fleig and Leland Harvey.

The Fleigs were concerned about the road going into their newly purchased 40″. SW SE Sec 20-49-5. They would like to have it kept open enough so they don’t have to climb over snow banks .Their intent is to build a house in the future.

Purpose of this meetins is to answer a grievance made by a Town resident concerning their children not being picked up by the school bus because the bus driver said the roads weren’t plowed and sanded. Parties to this grievance are not present at this meeting. Received letters from Washburn Public School and Sheriffs Department concerning this matter. Timm Retzloff reported he’d contacted  Wisconsin’s Town Association and thev said it was at the discretion of the Town which road would be plowed first.  This contradicts with and Sheriff Denartment and Public School letters.

The Town has al least 20 miles of road traveled by school buses and it would be hard to have them all plowed and sanded by 7:20 P.M.  We have several hilly areas with the same problems and have received no other complaints.

Bill Pohlman will contact Clyde Sukanen of Washburn Schools to try to resolve this matter.

Discussed culvert on Ondossadon Road near Doud Anderson’s house which Doug claims is too small in heavy rains resulting in flooding of his basement. Leland will contact Mr. Anderson.

Motion by Retzloff and a second by Haugen to adjourn.

Philip E. Tetzner, Clerk