Meeting Minutes November 13, 2001

NOVEMBER 13, 2001

Regular mecting called to order at 7:30 P.M. Present Mihalck, Ewer, Tetzner, and Chapman. Also Gary Maki, Joe Scholl, and Jamie Cook.

Meeting notices were properly posted in three public places in the Town and published in the Daily Press.

Minutes of October 9, October 15, October 30, and November 6, 2001 written copies were given to Board Members. Motion by Ewer and a second by Mihalek to accept. Motion carried,

Motion by Mihalek and a second by Ewer to adopt resolution concerning a bond for collecting State and County property taxes. Motion carried.

Treasurer gave her report. Motion by Mihalek and a second by Ewer to accept. Motion carried.

Motion by Ewer and a second by Mihalek to pay Economic Development dues for another year, $811.50. Motion carried.

Discussed receiving FEMA money (Flood Damage) in the amount of $79,046.23.

Reviewed ambulance bill from City of Washburn for out of State resident ambulance call. Ken Ewer had contacted Bill Bussey, attorney. Will hold check until further checking by Joe Scholl and Ken Ewer.

Received two applicants for Town Board vacancy. Jamie Cook and Tom Cogger. Motion by Ewer and a second by Tetzner to appoint Jamie Cook. Ayes 3, No’s 0. Motion carried.

Gary gave his crew report. Need of new radios on equipment. Hiring of new employee, cell phones or radios. Damage to Tom Arson’s barn from snowplow, trading work with Town of Bayview, and tire chains.

Motion by Ewer and a second by Mihalek to pay Tom Arnson for snowplow damage. Motion carried.

Motion by Mihalek and a second by Ewer to allow Clerk to pay lease payments to be in compliance with State Highway Aids. Motion carried.

Motion by Ewer and a second by Mihalek to purchase and stockpile 1500 yards gravel by year-end. Motion carried.

Motion by Mihalek and a second by Ewer to allow Assessor $2,000.00 extra for reevaluation in 2002. Motion carried.

Motion by Jamie Cook and a second by Ewer to pay all current Town bills. Motion carried.

Motion and a second to adjourn.

Philip E. Telzner, Clerk