Meeting Minutes May 4, 1999
MAY 4,1999
Regular meeting called to order at 7:35 P.M. Present Mihalek, Wyzlic, Tetzner, Chapman, and Miller. Also Joe Scholl, Shirley & Don Haugen, Bob Brander, Bob Pratt, Dale & Derek Brevak, John & Donna Iverson, Michael Tutor, Joey Gast, Jim Deeth, and Gary Monzenti of Northwoods Paving.
Minutes of April 6, 1999 were read and written copies given to Board Members. Motion by Mihalek and a second by Wyzlic to accept. Motion carried.
Meeting notices were properly posted in three public places in the Town and published in the Daily Press.
Donna Chapman presented Treasurer’s report. Motion by Mihalek and a second by Wyzlic to accept. Motion carried.
Opened gravel bids: C&W $10.83 per yard, Ashland Construction $10.74 per yard, Angelo Lupino $13.50 per yard.
Bridge bids: Angelo Lupino $21,190.00, Sipass Iron River $14,250.00, and C & W $28,500.00.
Cold Mix: Angelo Lupino about 350 ton $20.88 per ton, Northwoods Paving 473 ton $21.65 per ton.
Gary gave Town crew report. Removing roadside rocks and Four Mile Creek Bridge removal plans.
Discussed the D.O.T. TRIP grant.
Discussed adopting a road program.
Reviewed Derek Brevak pit hauling. Derek Brevak wants equal rights with other pit owners for hauling on Town roads.
Both Brevak and Town Board basically agree on a written solution from both sides.
Discussed future road maintenance.
Reported to Town Board that Signa Groves of C-Side Inn has applied for a Class B Combination liquor license.
Discussed driveway ordinance.
Set Board of Review date for. June 9, 1999 from 2-6 P.M.
Motion by Miller and second by Mihalek to adopt Driveway ordinance #1999-01. Motion carried.
Shane Wyzlic thanked Board Members, Road Crew, and citizens attending meetings for their help.
Motion by Miller and a second by Mihalek to give cold mix bid to Angelo Lupino for $20.88 per ton for about 350 ton. Motion carried.
Motion by Mihalek and a second by Miller to give gravel bid to Angelo Lupino for $13.50 per yard from Guerney Pit for 2,000 yards plus whatever Town residents want. Motion carried.
Motion by Miller and a second by Mihalek to table Bridge Bids. Motion carried,
Motion and a second to pay all current Town bills.
Motion and a second to adjourn.
Philip E. Tetzner, Clerk