Meeting Minutes May 31, 1994

May 31, 1994

OPEN BOOK: 4:00 to 5:00 P.M. with only Tetzner, asseser present. Lloyd Swanson appeard and filled out objection form.

Special town meeting called to order at 5:00 P.M. Present Retzloff, Mihalek, and Tetzner. Also Ed Pajala and Lloyd Swanson. The meeting was properly posted as an emergency meeting and called to appoint a third Board of Review member in the absence of Frank Faulkner. Motion by Retzloff seconded by Mihalek to appoint Ed Pajala. Motion carried. Motion and seconded to adjourn special meeting.

Board of Review called to order at 5:05 P.M. All of above people still present. Assessment roll was inspected by Board. Motion by Mihalek seconded by Retzloff to accept signed assessment roll. Motion carried.

Lloyd Swanson filed his objection form concerning his property SW NE Sec. 2-48-5 He feels it is assessed too high compared to what he considers like property. Properties named were Gorden Talvitie, Vern Louko, Rey Pady, and Irene Zambori.

Lloyd waived the 48 hour hearing notice.

Phil Tetzner, Assesser, stated he based his valuation on comparables of this class of property and did not consider propertys named by Swanson as comparable mainly because of house size being only about one half the area of the Swanson house. He also considered the price paid for the property which was higher than the previous assessed value. Assessed value 34,500. Price paid 50,000. The 1994 assessed value was raised to 39,400.

Motion by Pajala seconded by Mihalek that action on Lloyd Swanson objection be postponed to a later date and Lloyd Swanson be notified of this time and date. Motion carried.

Oscar Lagrew appeared concerning his increased assessment on a parcel in the SW SW Sec. 21-49-5. He talked with assesser and his questions were answered.

Motion by Retzloff seconded by Mihalek to meet Monday June 6, 1994 at 6:30 P.M. to take action on Lloyd Swanson objection. Motion carried.

No other property owners appeared.

Motion by Mihalek seconded by Pajala to adjourn Board of Review at 9:05 P.M. Motion carried.