Meeting Minutes March 8, 2005

MARCH 8, 2005

Regular meeting called to order at 7:00 P.M. Present Kerry Tetzner, Mark Morey, Phil Tetzner, Donna Chapman, Tom Cogger, and John Hartzell. Also Tim Edgely of Rural Insurance, Gary Maki, Jeff Pipgras, and Douglas Casina of Bayfield County Zoning.

Meeting notices were properly posted in three public places in the Town and published in the Daily Press.

Minutes of February 8, 2005 were read and written copies given to Board Members. Motion by Kerry Tetzner and a second by Tom Cogger to accept. Motion carried.

Donna Chapman gave Treasurer’s Report. Motion by Mark Morey and a second by Kerry Tetzner to accept. Motion carried.

Gary Maki gave erew report. Repaired two furnaces in Town garage. February went well. Mark Morey made motion to accept report and a second by Tom Cogger. Motion carried.

Douglas Casina of Bayfield County Zoning appeared concerning A & B notices that Towns have to post for public hearings held by zoning committee.

Reviewed road projects for 2005.

Reviewed door and window project for Town Hall. North window is in and looks good so will proceed to install the rest. Mark will order two new doors. Also try to get new inside trim for around windows and doors. Motion by Kerry Tetzner and second by Mark Morey to go ahead with above project. Also to accept Mike Harvey’s bid of $800.00 to install doors. Motion carried.

Motion and a second to Pay all current Town bills.

Motion and second to adjourn.

Philip E. Tetzner, Clerk