Meeting Minutes June 6, 2000

JUNE 6, 2000

Regular meeting called to order at 7:30 P.M. Present Mihalek, Wyzlic, Tetzner, and Miller. Also Gary Maki, Bob Brander, Joe Scholl, Jane & Derek Brevak.

Minutes of May 9, 2000 written copies were given to Board Members. Motion by Mihalek and a second by Miller to accept. Motion carried.

Meeting notices were properly posted in three public places in the Town and published in the Daily Press.

Treasurers report was presented by Clerk. Motion by Miller and a second by Mihalek to accept. Motion carried.  Item of interest: Town received National Forest Income check of $42,217.00.

Gary gave his report. Gravel hauling, culvert needs, grading in barrens, lawn mower repair and road signs.

Motion by Mihalek and a second by Miller to approve liquor license for Signa Groves of C-Side Inn. Motion carried

Received request from Art Brown and David Ekstrand each, to build a house in the SW SW sec 12-48-5. Motion by Mihalek and second by Miller to approve. Motion carried.

Motion by Miller and a second by Mihalek to approve a permit for Albert Zifko to place a Farm residence in an Ag 1 Zone. SE NW Sec 17-48-5. Motion carried.

Jane and Derek Brevak appeared concerning their gravel pit and hauling on McKinley Road  Derek Brevak made a verbal commitment to repair any damage he would do to McKinley Road above normal wear and tear by hauling from his pit.

Motion by Miller and a second by Mihalek to approve permit for Larry Maki to build a house on NE SW Sec 33-49-5. Motion carried.

Motion by Miller and a second by Mihalek to O.K. a ten year permit to Derek Brevak for his gravel pit operation with agreement that Derek will repair any damage he does to McKinley Road. Motion carried.

Motion by Mihalek and a second by Miller that the Town of Washburn does not want to enforce the Uniform Dwelling Code, but will allow the State to enforce this Dwelling Code. Motion carried.

Motion and a second to pay all current Town bills.

Discussed Propane contract for coming year. Motion by Miller and a second by Mihalek to approve a 3000 gallon contract. Price not decided. Motion carried.

Discussed Town of Washburn sign for Town Garage. Cost about $500.00. Motion by Miller and a second by Wyzlic to approve purchase. Motion carried.

Motion and a second to adjourn.

Philip E. Tetzner, Clerk