Meeting Minutes BOR June 6, 1994

June 6, 1994

Adjourned Board of Review called to order at 6:30 P.M. Present Mihalek Retzloff, Pajala, and Tetzner. Also Lloyd Swanson. Notices were properly posted in three public places and on town hall door. Lloyd Swanson again presented objections to his assessment. The assessor presented facts surrporting his valuation. Board of Review members made comments. Motion by Ed Pajala to reduce Swanson property by $2,000. No second. Motion by Mihalek to leave Swanson assessment as it is. Seconded by Retzloff. Roll call; Mihalek yes, Retzloff yes, Pajala no. Motion carried. Lloyd Swanson was present and informed of this decision.

Motion by Mihalek seconded by Retzloff to adjourn Board of Review. Motion carried.