Meeting Minutes July 12, 1994

JULY 12, 1994

Regular meeting called to order at 7:30 P.M. Present Retzloff,  Mihalek, Tetzner and Chapman. Absent Faulkner. Also present, Ed & Bea Pajala and Don Haugen.

Meeting notices were properly posted in three public places and the Daily Press.

Copies of June 6, 1994 minutes were given to Board members. Motion by Mihalek and a second by Retzloff to accept. Motion carried.

Donna gave Treasurer s report. Motion by Mihalek and a second by Retzloff to accept. Motion carried.

Discussed closing of 4-Mile Creek Road. Dick Mihalek read letter from Bill Bussey, attorney. Motion by Retzloff and a second by Mihalek to proceed with the process of closing 4-Mile Creek Road. Motion carried. Copy of Bill Bussey letter on file.

Discussed recycling ordinance procedure. Ed Pajala had several questions concerning ordinance as written. Will not take action until August 8, 1994 meeting.

Will not put paper mill waste on Pajala Road because of cost and availability.

Discussed blacktopping. Possibly combining this years and next years blacktop expenditures.

Motion by Mihalek and  second by Retzloff  to approve propane contract with Midland $.59 /gal., for 2500 gallon. Total $1475.00. Motion carried.

Motion by Mihalek and a second by Retzloff to change Pady Road name to (Bjork-Pady Road). Motion carried. Also to change Peterson Road to Dayton Road. Motion carried.

Motion and a second to pay all current Town bills.

Timm Retzloff contacted Larry Young concerning Bridge inspection.

Motion and a second to pay Brian Harvey $6.00 per hour on a temporary basis.

Motion and a second to adjourn.

Philip E. Tetzner, Clerk