Meeting Minutes July 11, 2000
JULY 11, 2000
Regular meeting called to order at 7:30 P.M. Present Tetzner, Chapman, Mihalek, Wyzlic, and Miller. Also Gary Maki, Joe Scholl, Dale Brevak, Ed Pajala, and Liz Sockness.
Minutes of June 6, 2000 written copies were given to Board Members and read. Motion by Miller and a second by Mihalek to accept. Motion carried.
Meeting notices were properly posted in three public places in the Town and published in the Daily Press.
Treasurer gave her report. Motion by Mihalek and a second by Miller to accept. Motion carried.
Gary gave his report. Road signs up, beaver control, and flood damage repair. Motion and a second to hire someone to trap beaver. Motion carried.
Ag land assessment was discussed on lands sold.
Fire and ambulance contract with City of Washburn was discussed.
Discussed blacktop on Wannebo Road from Church Corner Road to Paulson Road. Motion and a second to place bid ad in paper to be opened at August meeting. Motion carried.
Motion by Miller and a second by Mihalek to have regular meeting on second Tuesday of the month.
Discussed Derek Brevak gravel pit permit. Jim Miller explained process to date. Dale Brevak represented Derek Brevak. Pros and cons. Copy on file. Miller made motion and a second by Mihalek that unless Derek Brevak agrees to contents of letter issued after June meeting, we will rescind our support and proceed to Board of Adjustment. Motion carried.
Liz Sockness appeared concerning ATV travel and roads open for ATV’s. Permits granted on yearly basis and will be renewed for one year at August meeting. She had no objections.
Motion and a second to pay all current Town bills.
Motion and a second to adjourn.
Philip E. Tetzner, Clerk