Meeting Minutes July 10, 2001

JULY 10, 2001

Regular meeting called to order at 7:30 P.M. Present Mihalek, Tetzner, Wyzlic, Ewer and Chapman. Also present Steve Bade, Jim Radke, Bob Brander, Timm Kane, Gary Maki, Chuck Groves, Tom & Connie Cogger, Joe Scholl, Kerry Tetzner, Terry Bahe, Bob & Marcia Pratt, Roy & Settgas, and Sheri Cook.

Meeting notices were properly posted in three public places in the Town and published in the Daily Press.

Minutes of June 12, 2001 were read and written copies given to Board Members. Motion by to Mihalek and a second by Ewer to accept. Motion carried.

Donna gave her Treasurer’s report. Motion by Ewer and a second by Mihalek to accept. Motion carried.

Received finished copies of Land Use Plan. Most members of committee were present. They received a Certificate of Appreciation from the Town and a big thank you. Details are in News release to be published in the Ashland Daily Press and County Journal.

Jim Radke from Town of Bayview presented information on Bayfield County economical on development Corp. whose motto is “Work Where You Play”.

Discussed Paser Road Evaluation. Received two proposals from Northwest Regional Planning and Bergman Companies. Motion by Mihalek and a second by Ewer to go with Northwest Regional Planning at a cost of about $1200.00 this is a State requirement to qualify for road aids this coming year. Motion carried.

Discussed ATV routes. Motion by Mihalek and a second by Ewer to extend present plan one more year. Motion carried.

Steve Bade discussed control of noxious weeds, particularly Leafy Spurge, which is taking over vacant fields and on Maple Hill and roadsides.

Motion by Mihalek and a second by Ewer to grant Kevin Stephenson permit to build a house on e a a parcel of SE NW Sec 17-48-5. Motion carried.

Motion and a second to pay all current Town bills.

Motion and a second to adjourn.

Philip E. Tetzner, Clerk