Meeting Minutes February 11, 2014

February 11, 2014

Regular Board Meeting called to order at 7:00 p.m.. Present: Bruce Hokanson, Kerry Tetzner, John Hartzell, Donna Chapman, Mike Harvey.

Meeting notices were properly posted in the three public places and published in the Daily Press.

Meeting minutes from the January 21, 2014 meeting were read and written copies given to the Board Members. Motion by John Hartzell and a second by Bruce Hokanson to accept as presented. Motion carried. All ayes.

Donna gave Treasurer’s report. Everything with the bank charges have been taken care of. Motion by Bruce Hokanson and a second by John Hartzell to accept report. Motion carried. All ayes.

Mike Harvey gave crew report. Front End Loader is working fine after repairs. Mike will order plow blades for the equipment from US Blade and Chain. Long winter and lots of snow plowing. A motion by John Hartzell and a second by Bruce Hokanson to accept report. Motion carried. All ayes.

There was no Plan Commission meeting.

Bruce talked to Ben Dufford on grant money for the culvert on Wannebo Road. He seemed to think there would be money available. We will hear more later on.

A motion to pay all current bills.

A motion to adjourn.



Kerry Tetzner, Clerek