Meeting Minutes December 3, 1987
DECEMBER 3, 1987
Budget hearing called to order at 7:30 P.M. Present were, Pajala, Sorenson, Michalik, Slusser, and Tetzner. Pajala handed out a previous years worksheet. Steve Bade, Robert Short, Ron Bartholomew, and Robert Mattson appeared. They were very concerned about grading and maintenance of Maple Hill Drive. Many issues were discussed concerning grading and graveling roads, where money is spent, loss of State highway aids, etc. They explained this road had lot of traffic because of the landfill and it was in rough shape. A town priority should be to get this done next spring. No budget figures were given to the Clerk and no action was taken on the budget.
Regular meeting was called to order at 9:30 P.M. with same people present. Minutes of November 4, 1987 were read. Motion by Sorenson and a second by Michalik to accept as read. Motion carried with the usual comment by Pajala as noted in the September 1987 minutes. Leland Harvey appeared.
A change of $5.67 was made on Ison’s bill.
Motion and a second to adjourn.
Philip E. Tetzner
Link to Original Minutes for 1987