Meeting Minutes August 25, 1993
AUGUST 25, 1993
Special Town meeting called to order at 7:40 P.M. Present Retzloff, Mihalik, Faulkner, Tetzner, and Leland Harvey.
Meeting was properly noticed in August 24, August 25 Daily Press.
Reviewed progress on Town garage and Sioux River Bridge.
Motion and a second to order two curb signs for Sioux River Bridge. Motion carried.
Lens Berger of D.O.T. reported to Timm Retzloff that we don’t need a Speed Limit sign on Sioux River Bridge.
Discussed Paul Kacyinsky’s claim that culvert on Nevers Road in Sec, 11-48-5 is too high. Frank Faulkner and Dale Brevak surveyed site and found culvert to be properly installed. Board will notify Paul Kacvinsky.
Reviewed blacktopping done on Church Corner Road and Sioux River Bridge.
Motion by Faulkner and a second by Mihalik to adopt resolution concerning banking transactions with First American Bank of Washburn. Copy on file. Motion carried.
Received letter from REA concerning our economic development loan request. Copy on file.
Board picked linoleum colors for floor in rest room area.
Board thought that patch blacktopping done on Hokanson Road by Ashland Construction was poorly done. Timm will contact Ashland Construction.
Board picked tentative colors for garage, off white roof and tan sides.
Motion by Mihalik and a second by Faulkner to go into closed session. Roll call: Retzloff – here, Faulkner – here, Mihalik – here. Proper notice was posted in Daily Press. Discussed personnel matters, machinery maintenance and snowplowing road sequence.
Motion and a second to go out of closed session. Motion carried. No action taken on closed session matters.
Motion and a second to adjourn.
Philip E Tetzner, Clerk