Meeting Minutes August 2, 1994
AUGUST 2, 1994
Blacktop bid opening meeting called to order at 7:30 P.M. Present Retzloff, Faulkner, Mihalek, and Tetzner. Also Wayne Nelson of Roffers Construction.
The meeting was properly posted in the Daily Press and three public places.
Bids for blacktopping were received from:
Monarch Paving Company $25.59/ton
Angelo Luppino, Inc. $25.91/ton
Motion by Faulkner and a second by Mihalek to accept bid from Monarch Paving Company for paving not to go over $90,000.00. Approximately 3 miles of road 1 1/2 inch thick 22 feet wide. One mile Ondossagon Road, one mile Wannebo Road East of Church Corner, one mile Wannebo Road West of Chequamegon Road, and 3/10 mile South End Church Corner Road. Motion carried.
Motion by Mihalek and a second by Faulkner to apply for a State Trust Fund Loan of $125,000.00. This is to cover cost of blacktop $90,000.00 plus gravel and roadbed preparation cost of $35,000.00. Motion carried.
Motion and a second to adjourn.
Philip E. Tetzner, Clerk