Meeting Minutes August 2, 1993

AUGUST 2, 1993

Special Town Board bid opening meeting called to order at 7:03 P.M. Present Mihalik, Tetzner, Retzloff, and Faulkner. The meeting was properly noticed in the Daily Press.

Joe Schol Jr. appeared concerning the snowmobile club requesting used culverts the Town has. He is to contact Leland Harvey to see what the Town can let go.

Also present, Steve Schraufnagel – Town garage engineer of C& S design, Ed Pajala, Greg A. Provost – Frank Tomlinson rep., and George Nasi – Nasi Construction rep.

Motion by Faulkner and a second by Mihalik to pay Steve Schraufnagel $5625.00, 75% of his fee, and DILHR $60.00 for holding tank permit. Motion carried.

Received and opened four bids:
Granger Builders Inc. of Marengo, WI                        $159,782.00
George Nasi Const  Co of Pence, WI                            $169,697.00
Frank Tomlinson Co  Inc. of Ashland, WI                  $173,709.00
Angelo Luppino Inc. of Iron Belt, WI                          $199,620.00

Steve Schraufnagel will review the low bid for meeting specs, Granger Builders of Marengo.

Reviewed our application to Bayfield Co. for highway bridge aid for Sioux River Bridge. Will send Larry Young copies of bills and canceled checks.

Mark Hudson appeared concerning washboard gravel over Sioux River Bridge. He reported damage to his car and camper.

Motion by Faulkner and a second by Mihalik to O.K. Fire and Ambulance contracts with City of Washburn. Motion carried.

Motion and a second to approve Jim Skeriks application to build a new residence.  Motion carried.

Received special use permit application from Diane Brander for E 1/2 NW Sec 2-48-5. Board needs further study and information.

Discussed proposed ban on timber cutting in National Forest.

Motion and a second to adjourn.

Philip E. Tetzner, Clerk