Meeting Minutes – August 10, 2022

August 10, 2022

Regular Board Meeting called to order at 7:00 p.m. Present: Kerry Tetzner, Sandy Raspotnik, Jim Park, Scottie Sandstrom, Lynn Adams, Mike Harvey, Kim Bro, Emmer Shields, Chuck Jerome, Larry Jarecki and Wendy Stein.

Meeting notices were posted in the two public places, website, and published in the Daily Press.

Meeting minutes from the July 12, 2022, were read and written copies given to the Board Members. Motion by Jim Park and a second by Scottie Sandstrom to accept as presented. Motion carried. All Ayes.

Lynn Adams gave Treasurer Report. All books are balanced. The Clerks and Treasurer’s computers are mirrored. Web site work is in progress. Motion by Scottie Sandstrom and a second by Jim Park to accept report. Motion carried. All Ayes.

Mike Harvey gave crew report. Patching of Church Corner Road and McKinley Road is completed. Bayfield Electric power line has been moved on South Maple Hill and Century Link will move theirs this week. Priest Road is almost done. The tandem truck needs work on the transmission. Motion by Jim Park and a second by Scottie Sandstrom to approve the report. Motion carried. All Ayes.

Sandy gave the Chair report. Bayfield Wireless will by removing the remaining power line posts. Motion by Jim Park and a second by Scottie Sandstrom to approve report. Motion carried. All Ayes.

Motion by Scottie Sandstrom and a second by Jim Park to approve a driveway permit for Michael and Dianne Sandor at SW ¼ SE ¼ Section 27 Township 49N Range 5. Motion carried. All Ayes.

There was one bid for the completion of the South Maple Hill Project from Jerome Excavating Contractors for $89,307.14 for contract two of the project and $220,061.06 contract one of the project. A motion by Scottie Sandstrom and a second by Jim Park to accept Contract two for $89,307.14. Motion carried. All Ayes. There will be a special meeting next week to secure funding for contract one.

Gravel bids for FR 500 were opened.

Olson Brothers of Brule                 $18.06 a ton 2” minus                    $18.21 a ton for ¾ “ gravel with binder

Bob Olson                                           $21.00 a ton 3” dense                    $21.00 a ton for gravel

Tetzner Excavating                          $24.94 a ton 2” minus                    $21.50 a ton for gravel

South Shore Sand & Gravel          $20.65 a ton 2” minus                    $20.95 a ton for gravel

A motion by Sandy Raspotnik and a second by Jim Park to accept Olson Brothers for Brule bid. Motion carried. All Ayes.

Motion by Scottie Sandstrom and a second by Jim Park to put a culvert sleeve in on Scholl Road for $10,320.99. Motion carried. All Ayes.

Motion by Scottie Sandstrom and a second by Jim Park to pay ½ of crack sealing with Town of Barksdale for crack sealing on the first mile of Engoe Road east of Topside Tavern for $5257.50. Motion carried. All Ayes.

Motion by Sandy Raspotnik and second by Jim Park to purchase a traffic counter for less than $500.00. Motion carried. All Ayes.

Motion by Scottie Sandstrom and a second by Sandy Raspotnik to approve Resolution 2022-6, see attachment.  Motion carried. All Ayes

Motion by Jim Park and a second by Scottie Sandstrom to raise the snow plowing rate for driveways to $65.00 for ten minutes. Motion carried. All Ayes.

Improvements to Town Hall. Wiring done, shingles are here, chimney being removed, siding is ordered, gutters installed when painting of Town Hall is completed.

Motion by Sandy Raspotnik and a second by Jim Park to have Matt Tetzner make new voting booths for $2500.00. Motion carried. All Ayes.

A motion and a second to pay all current bills.

A motion and a second to adjourn.


Kerry Tetzner, Clerk