Meeting Minutes April 19, 1993

APRIL 19, 1993

Special meeting called to order at 7:30 P.M. Present Retzloff,  Mihalik, Faulkner, Tetzner, Don Haugen, & Leland Harvey.

Motion by Mihalik and a second by Faulkner to pass an enhanced 911 service resolution. This was proposed at annual meeting. Motion carried. Copies to be sent to Bayfield County Clerk. Copy on file.

Discussed renting out our brush cutter to Town of Bayview. The only way would be rental with our driver operating and on a temporary help out basis.

Motion by Mihalik and a second by Faulkner to let gravel bids. Motion carried. Gravel to meet D.O.T. specs. to be spread on Town roads by July 1st. 1500 yards with bids in by May 4th meeting.

Discussed basic first steps needed to build new Town garage. Reviewed the two engineering firms in area. Motion by Faulkner and a second by Mihalik to try to get Steve Schraufnagel of C and S Design & Engineering of Ashland. Motion carried.

Motion and a second to adjourn.

Philip E. Tetzner, Clerk