Meeting Agenda, Tuesday September 13 2022
Town of Washburn
Bayfield County
The Town Board of the Town of Washburn, Bayfield County, Wisconsin, hereby provides its written notice and an agenda of the public meeting of the Town Board for Tuesday, September 13, 2022, at 7:00 p.m. at the Washburn Town Hall. The meeting may be attended either virtually with the link below or in person.
Amended Agenda
- Call to order and roll call
- Verification of proper public notice
- Public Comment
Consider for approval or other action:
- Acceptance of Agenda
- Approve Minutes from previous meeting
- Reports
- Clerk
- Treasurer
- Road Superintendent
- Chair
- Plan Commission-Class A Special Use permit for Collins, Driveway permit for Speiler-Sandberg/Heil, Class A Special Use, RV placement for Catlin, Special Use permit and Driveway permit for Waatti
- Update on South Maple Hill Road-discussion and action of reimbursement to Snippen
- Update Forest Road 500 rock/ gravel-discussion and action on additional costs
- Increase amount of loan for road construction
- Repairs/maintenance for Cat Backhoe
- Outstanding snowplow bills
- Solar discussion
- Future improvements to the Town Hall- gutters, electrical, siding, voting booths-updates
- Technology changes and purchases -website, equipment for town hall/garage-update
- Change date for November meeting
- Items to be placed on future agendas
- Authorize the payment of bills
- Adjournment
Meeting notice posted this 7th day of September, 2022 on the Town’s website at
and at: Washburn Town Hall, Tetzner’s Dairy and Daily Press
The following link or phone number can be used to participate in this meeting.
Join with Google Meet
Join by phone
(US) +1 662-565-5299 PIN: 829 079 355#
Sandra J. Raspotnik, Town Chair