Meeting Agenda March 14, 2017

Town of Washburn

Regular Town Board Meeting

Date: March 14, 2017 7:00 P.M. Town Board Meeting at Town Hall

Call Meeting to Order and Verify of its legal notification

(Notices are in The Daily Press, posted at the

Town Hall, at Former C-Side Inn, Tetzner’s Dairy and at Town of Washburn Website )

Clerk’s Report and Reading of the “Minutes of the Last Board Meeting”

Treasurer’s Report

Road Superintendent’s Report

Town Plan Commission Minutes


Discussion – Possible Action – Chippewa Valley Bank, Rick Forsythe – Update

Discussion – Possible Action – Logging on South Maple Hill – Update

Discussion – Possible Action – USDA Forest Service @ Great Lakes Visitor Center – Update

Information: Elections – 4/4/17 Spring Election

4/18/17 Annual Meeting – 7:00 PM

5/20/17 Dumpster Day – – 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM

Authorize Payment of Bills for 2017

Set Time and Date for Plan Commission Meeting – Tuesday, April 4, 7 PM , Town Hall

Set Time and Date of next Regular Board Meeting – Tuesday, April 11, 7 PM, Town Hall


Submitted by,

Bruce Hokanson, Chairman