Meeting Agenda April 11, 2017

Town of Washburn
Regular Town Board Meeting
Date: 7:00 P.M. April 11, 2017
Town Board Meeting at Town Hall

Call Meeting to Order and Verify of its legal notification
(Notices are in The Daily Press, posted at the
Town Hall, at Former C-Side Inn, Tetzner’s Dairy and at Town of Washburn Website

Clerk’s Report and Reading of the Minutes of the Last Board Meeting
Treasurer’s Report
Road Superintendent’s Report
Town Plan Commission Minutes


1. Discussion – Possible Action – Priest Rd. – ¼ Mile Grade & Gravel

2. Discussion – Possible Action – Bayfield County – Ordered 115 Ton Salt

3. Discussion – Possible Action – USDA Forest Service Road 697

Information : Elections – 4/18/17 Annual Meeting – 7:00 PM – Town Hall
5/20/17 Dumpster Day – – 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM
5/17/17 Open Book – 4:00 – 6:00 PM
Board of Review – 6:00 – 8:00 PM

Authorize Payment of Bills for 2017

Set Time and Date for Plan Commission Meeting – Tuesday, May 2, 7 PM , Town Hall

Set Time and Date of next Regular Board Meeting – Tuesday, May 9, 7 PM, Town Hall


Submitted by,

Bruce Hokanson, Chairman