Board of Review Meeting Minutes May 11, 2010

TOWN OF Washburn, Bayfield COUNTY
Town Hall
7:00 P.M.—–9:00 P.M.
Agenda Board of Review—May 11, 2010
Town of Washburn, Bayfield County

1, Call to order and roll call
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Election of Chair and vice Chair


4. Verification of posting of BOR notice and publishing of notices By clerk
5. Verification of BOR member with current training
6. Receive assessment roll from Town Clerk and sworn statement Of assessor
7. Examine assessment roll and correct errors
8. Decision to waive the 48 hour notice of intent to file objections

Motion:  Steven Tetzner  Second: John Hartzell.   Motion carried.

9. Determine order of hearing objections, if taxpayers are present With objections
10. Swear in board members, assessor and objectors
11. Deliberate determinations and send notices
12. Adjourn

Motion to adjourn


Kerry Tetner, CLERK

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