Annual Meeting Minutes September 14, 2020

September 14, 2020, (held now due to COVID) Annual Meeting called to order by Chairperson Sandy Raspotnik. Meeting notices were posted in the three public places and published in the Daily Press.

Minutes from the April 16, 2019 were read, and written copies given to the Board Members. Motion by Lance Twombly and a second by Mike Harvey to accept minutes as read. Motion Carried.

Sandy Raspotnik spoke on projects done in 2020. French Drains on North Maple Hill, several culverts were replaced, Chip Seal done on Paulson road, Black top on Ondossagon Road, new garage doors in Town Garage, LED lighting installed in Town Garage and Town Hall. Patching up the sink holes in the Landfill was talked about, an ongoing project. Scottie Sandstrom talked a little on Bayfield wireless.

A motion by Scottie Sandstrom and a second by Katie Stolp to have next year Annual Meeting on April 20, 2021 at 7:00 pm. Motion carried.

A motion by Melissa Amerin and a second by Darlene Neff to adjourn.


Kerry Tetzner, Clerk

People present

Kerry Tetzner                    Sandy Raspotnik               Wendy Stein                      Joe Amrein

Melissa Amerin                 Darlene Neff                     Katie Stolp                         John Adams

Cheryl Sandstrom             Mike Harvey                      Scottie Sandstrom            Carolyn Twombly

Lance Twombly