Annual Meeting Minutes April 21, 2015

April 21, 2015 Annual Meeting called to order by Chairman Bruce Hokanson. Meeting notices were posted in the three public places in the Town and published in the Daily Press.

Minutes from the April 15, 2014 were read. Motion by Ruth Hartzell and a second by Robert Short to accept minutes as read. Motion carried.

Chairman Bruce Hokanson talked on projects and other happenings from 2015. The Town will spread 2300 tons of gravel on Engoe and Strecker Roads and possibly crushed black top on the two miles. Stock piling some gravel for use on roads this summer. Some crack sealing will be done on Wannebo Road. The US Forest is cutting back on care of some of the camp grounds including Horese Shoe Lake and Long Lake. Fees will be reduced. Valhalla will have no fees and reduced services.

A new plow truck was ordered in May. Monroe will mount a wing and the plow on it. It should be here by September. The cosrt is $138,000.00.

Colberg Road will have crushed black top put on it.

The Ambulance will be paid off this year, and also the grader.

There was no new information on the power line.

The law suit was settled by Rural Mutual Insurance Company for $72,500.00.

Motion made to have the next Annual Meeting on the second Tuesday after the election, April 19, 2016. Motion carried.

Motion by Chuck Groves and a second by Shirley Haugen to adjourn. Motion carried.



Kerry Tetzner, Clerk


People Present:

Bruce Hokanson                              Kerry Tetzner                    John Hartzell                     Steven Tetzner

Donna Chapman                              Mike Harvey                      Pat Guske                           Patsy Tetzner

Andrea Hokanson                           Ruth Hartzell                     Signa Groves                     Chuck Groves

Joe Tetzner                                       Robert Short                      Shirley Haugen                Phil Tetzner