Annual Meeting Minutes April 16, 2013

April 16, 2013 Annual Meeting called to order by Chairman Bruce Hokanson. Meeting notices were posted in the three public places in the Town and published in the Daily Press.

Minutes from the April 10, 2012 were red. Motion by Chuck Groves and a second by Shirley Haugen to accept minutes as read. Motion carried.

Chairman Bruce Hokanson talked on projects from 2012. Church Corner Road was paved with lines painted on it. Bjork road received gravel and crushed black top, which turned out great. There were culverts replaced on Brevak Road.

Projects for 2013 were discussed with the pulverizing and gravel, plus a double chip seal on Paulson Road. There will also be crack sealing done on several of the roads. Ondossagon Road and McKinley Road will have wedging done this summer. County C will be repaved this year. Our Fire and Ambulance bill has declined because the Town of Barksdale has joined with the City of Washburn.

Signa Groves thanked the Board and the Road Crew for all of their hard work

Ruth Hartzell spoke on the new power line that might be coming through the Town.

Motion made to have the next Annual Meeting on the second Tuesday after the election, April 15, 2014.

Motion by Ruth Hartzell and a second by Phil Tetzner to adjourn. Motion carried.



Kerry Tetzner, Clerk

People Present:

Bruce Hokanson                              Kerry Tetzner                    John Hartzell                     Steven Tetzner

Donna Chapman                              Mike Harvey                      Pat Guski                            Patsy Tetzner

Ruth Hartzell                                    Andrea Hokanson            Phil Tetzner                       Shirley Haugen

William Kaufman                             Chuck Groves                    Sign Groves                        William J Kaufman

Donald Haugen                                Don Richardson                Dave Cook                         Michelle McCumber