Annual Meeting Minutes April 15, 2014
April 15, 2014 Annual Meeting called to order by Chairman Bruce Hokanson. Meeting notices were posted in the three public places in the Town and published in the Daily Press.
Minutes from the April 16, 2013 were read. Motion by Signa Groves and a second by Patsy Tetzner to accept minutes as read. Motion carried.
Chairman Bruce Hokanson talked on projects and other happenings from 2013. He talked on a power line that might come through along Church Corner road. Also putting a new plow and repainting the box on the snow plow truck. Having been a very bad winter, it was tough on the equipment with many repairs needed on the truck and grader.
Projects for 2014 were discussed with getting money from the TRIP program which will go for double chip sealing part of Ondossagon Road and McKinley Road. There will also be crack sealing done on Wannebo road. Ondossagon Road and McKinley Road will have wedging done this summer. There might be some grant money for a culvert on Wannebo Road. We will be putting crushed black top on Colberg Road. Dave Cook asked for some gravel for Old C Road because of a wash out in the ditch.
Our Fire and Ambulance bill will increase the next two years for the purchase of a new ambulance.
There was some talk on the Law suit against the Town from the accident on County C three years ago. It has been appealed again and is now going to the Wisconsin Supreme Court.
Signa Groves thanked the Board and the Road Crew for all of their hard work.
Motion made to have the next Annual Meeting on the second Tuesday after the election, April 21, 2015.
Motion by Dave Cook and a second by Chuck Groves to adjourn. Motion carried.
Kerry Tetzner, Clerk
People Present:
Bruce Hokanson Kerry Tetzner John Hartzell Steven Tetzner
Donna Chapman Mike Harvey Pat Guski Patsy Tetzner
Ruth Hartzell Andrea Hokanson Phil Tetzner Ron Micheals
Scott Sandstrom Chuck Groves Sign Groves Tom Cogger
Connie Cogger Shirley Haugen Michelle McCumber Dave Cook