Annual Meeting Minutes April 13, 2010

April 13, 2010


Annual Meeting called to order by Chairman Bruce Hokason. Meeting notices were posted in the three public places in the Town and published in the Daily Press.

Minutes of the April 14,2009 were read. Motion by Kim Bro and a second by Phil Tetzner to accept minutes as read. Motion carried.

Passed roster for cleanup in 2010.

Chairman Bruce Hokanson talked about projects from 2009. Completion of the Salt Shed, Engoe Road project, pulverizing and six inches of gravel added. Also talked on crack sealing on 7 miles of roads.

In 2010, Bruce talked about projects to be done. Trip approval of $25,000.00 for double chip seal for Engoe Road, crack sealing a few more roads and some culverts to be put in.

Bruce spoke on purchase of a 2009 JD 772 grader and trade in of our 1997 grader.

Also talked about the new prevailing wage form for any projects over $25,000.00.

Talk on new member for Plan Commission member, Dale Brevak, and new Officers for Plan Commision. Kim Bro, Chairman, John Hartzell, Vice Chair, Ron Micheal, Secretary.

Motion made to have the next Annual Meeting on first Tuesday after April election. Motion carried.

Motion by John Hartzell and a second by Ron Micheal to adjourn. Motion carried.




Kerry Tetzner, Clerk

People Present:

Bruce Hokanson                              Kerry Tetzner                    John Hartzell                     Steven Tetzner

Ruth Hartzell                                    Patsy Tetzner                    Andrea Hokanson            Larry Budura

Mike Harvey                                     Pat Guske                           Donna Chapman               Phil Tetzner

Jerry Haugen                                    Ron Micheal                      Joe Scholl                           Richard Mihalek

Shirley Haugen                                Kim Bro                              Sarah Rechcygl