Annual Meeting Minutes April 13, 1999
MINUTES – APRIL 13, 1999
Annual meeting called to order at 7:00 P.M. by Chairman Miller in Town garage. Minutes of April 14,1998 were read. Motion by Shirley Haugen and a second by Johanna Mihalek to accept as read. Motion carried.
Discussed 1998 Audit Report. Motion by Ed Pajala and a second by Shirley Haugen to accept this report. Motion carried.
Jim Miller discussed the purchase of a tractor loader backhoe. Received comments from citizens. Motion by Bill Mihalek and a second by Tom Cogger to purchase a Cat loader backhoe. Motion carried by a raising of hands. Most voted yes. Four no votes.
There was a lot of discussion concerning blacktopping more Town roads. Also a poor job of blacktopping on South Maple Hill Drive.
Steve Bade, Chairman of the planning committee, reported on progress to date. He reviewed the letter sent out to all residents previously. Rocky Kavajecz commented on residence neatness in this plan.
Timm Retzloff asked for Town help in recreation area upkeep on the Olaf Kirsten property for which they have donated land usage for soccer. Motion by Steve Bade and a second by K. Russell that the Town furnish help for this recreation project. Motion carried.
Derek Brevak talked about his pit and feeling that he is being discriminated against.
Motion by Shirley Haugen and a second by Ed Pajala to have the next Annual meeting on the Tuesday following the election at 7:00 P.M. Motion carried.
Motion and a second to adjourn.
Philip E Tetzner, Clerk
People Present:
Kris Edmunds Gary Maki Philip E. Tetzner
Ken Swanson Jim Deeth Ed & Bea Pajala
Joe Scholl Ron Tetzner Bob & Marcia Pratt
Dorothy Visocky Bob Adams Shirley & Donald Haugen
Roy Settgas Timm Retzloff Dick & Johanna Mihalek
Kathleen Russell Ron Samuelson Jerry & Eileen Haugen
Jim Miller Bob Short Bob & Monique Mattson
Bill Mihalek Bob Brander Bob & Barb Bitzer
Donna Chapman Steve Terry Tom & Connie Cogger
Jerry Powers Kathleen Bahe Rocky & Elizabeth Kavajecz
Derek Brevak Chuck Groves David & Susan Hall
Joleen Barningham Dale Faulkner Steve Bade
Chuck Bodam Olaf Kirsten Andy Okey