Annual Meeting Minutes April 12, 2005
APRIL 12, 2005
Annual meeting called to order at 7:00 P.M. Minutes of April 13, 2004 were read. Motion by Kerry Tetzner and a second by Bruce Hokanson to accept. All aye votes, 16. No “no” votes.
Mark Morey discussed work done so far on Town of Washburn Comprehensive Plan.
Reviewed roadside cleanup for coming year and passed roster around for sign ups.
Reviewed old landfill upkeep especially the cap and monitoring by three wells.
Discussed Leafy Spurge control. Update on mowing and spraying from Wendy Stein.
Mark Morey reviewed work done and to be done on Town hall. Windows, doors and siding. Mark asked for opinions on siding and colors. He also noted the Town hall was not listed as a historical building. It had been nominated as historical but was never approved. Bob Adams recalled some of this history. Motion by Kerry Tetzner and a second by Cathy Morey to fix up and keep the outhouse building. Motion carried. All aye votes. One “no”.
Mark reviewed road plans for coming year.
Discussed lights on radio tower and salt shed construction.
Motion by Kim Bro and a second by Cathy Morey to have next Annual Meeting on Tuesday one week from Election Day at 7:00 P.M. Motion carried.
Motion and a second to adjourn. Motion carried.
Philip E. Tetzner, Clerk
People present:
Bruce Hokanson John Hartzell
Beverly Tetzner Philip E. Tetzner
Mark Morey Cathy Morey
Kerry Tetzner Kathleen Russell
Steve Terry Bob Pratt
Marcia Pratt Wendy Stein
Bob Adams Joe Scholl
Tim Kane Ron Rechel
Kim Bro Carl Talvitie
Karen Kozie