Annual Meeting Minutes April 10, 2007

APRIL 10,2007

Annual meeting called to order at 7:00 P.M. Meeting notices were properly posted in three public places in the Town and published in the Daily Press.

Minutes of April 11, 2006 were read. Motion by Mark Morey and a second by Kerry Tetzner to accept. Motion carried.

Roster was passed around for Town Road cleanup.

Discussed landfill monitoring. Would like a more detailed report from engineers with Northern Environmental.

Mark Morey reported past year road projects and future projects.

Steve Bade gave report on Comprehensive Plan and work done by volunteer Townspeople to date.

Tim Kane reported a Comprehensive Plan is how we want to project into the future. Strictly a guide. It is a plan that can be modified in the future.

Tim Benetti, consultant for the Comprehensive Planning Committee, also spoke on the planning to date.

Motion and a second to set next annual mecting on Tuesday following election at 7:00 P.M. Motion carried.

Motion and a second to adjourn.

Philip Tetzner, Clerk

People Present:

Bruce Hokanson                                          Mike Sorenson                                    Linda Sorenson
John Hartzell                                                Kerry Tetzner                                      Mark Morey
Cathy Morey                                                  Steve Bade                                           Ron Michael
Mike Harvey                                                  Gary Maki                                            Joe Scholl
Philip E. Tetzner                                           Scottie Sandstrom                             Cheryl Sandstrom
Kurt Kiehne                                                    Tim Benetti                                        Marieke van Donkersgoed-Kiehne
Tim Kane                                                        Terri Bahe                                            Signa Groves
Charles Groves                                              Tom Cogger                                          Connie Cogger
Phil Freeman                                                  Wendy Stein                                        Michelle Tutor
Ken Bro                                                            Karin Kozie                                          Ted May
Jamie Welsch                                                  Dave Cook                                            Tim Schwenzfeier
Rocky Kavajecz                                                Ron Rechel                                          Cindy Schwenzfeier
Brenda Rechel