Minutes – Sept. 10, 2024

Town of Washburn

Bayfield County

Town Meeting Minutes

September 10, 2024

Attendance: Sandy Raspotnik, Scottie Sandstrom, Jim Park, Lance Twombly, Mike Harvey, Steve Bade, Tim Schwenzfeier, Trevor Schwenzfeier, Tom Cogger, and Connie Cogger. Virtually: Wendy Stein.

At 7:00 pm, the town meeting was called to order by Chair Raspotnik. Road Crew member Matt Lippo and Treasurer Lynn Adams could not make tonight’s meeting.

Meeting notices were posted in the two public places, on the website, and sent to Ashland Daily Press.

Public comments:

  • Tim and Trevor Schwenzfeier commented on the ongoing dust on Hove Lane. Hold those responsible for watering road and can calcium chloride be put on road, at least in front of residences?
  • Tom Cogger wanted to thank the clerk for the detailed minutes. He also brought up an issue with culvert on S. Maple Hill Rd. and the size of rock used for that project.
  • Steve Bade gave out a handout and photos on the condition of the town’s roads and suggested road crew change work hours.

A motion to accept the agenda by Supervisor Park and seconded by Supervisor Sandstrom. All Ayes, motion carried.

Motion to accept last month’s minutes by Supervisor Park and seconded by Supervisor Sandstrom. All Ayes, motion carried.

Road Crew report: Chair Raspotnik talking with Derrick Bacha about trucks on Hove Ln and who is counting, with regards to watering road after a certain number of trucks. Will talk to Mitch from WisDOT too. 20 mph speed limit signs installed on Hove Ln. Revisit using calcium chloride, but be prepared for mud in spring, according to Mike. Also, Mike stated rocks used on culvert on S. Maple Hill are in spec. Will put gravel or recycled blacktop over culvert. Brevak pit on McKinley is not being used. Town is seeing more trucks due to logging and construction. The town has no authority to enforce truck weight limits and appears county does not. Crack sealing is scheduled. Scottie suggested budgeting for more roads next year and for Mike to have cold mix on hand to patch roads. Supervisor Sandstrom made a motion to approve $4500 in cold mix to have on hand. Supervisor Park seconded, all Ayes, motion carried. Sweeping sand off road intersections not done in past couple of years. Lots of grading occurring. Discussed culverts and settling period for town versus county. County has money to keep adding blacktop. About five culverts are replaced per year. Last culvert inventory done in 2008ish. Some work needs to be done on Sioux River bridge on Church Corner Rd, but it is too difficult for crew. Needs to be contracted out and will be expensive. Batteries needed for F450. Two at around $220 each. Jim Park made a motion to purchase two batteries. Scottie Sandstrom seconded, all Ayes. Motion carried. Scottie asked if Mike had a spending limit and it is $2500. Jim suggested that the budget have a category for miscellaneous road items. A motion by Supervisor Scottie and a second by Supervisor Jim to approve road crew report. All Ayes, motion carried.

Clerk and Treasurer update: Filled out WI Dept of Revenue forms SL-302M Update Contact Info and AT-827 Retail License Report. August 13th 2024 Partisan Primary went well. 244 voters, so over half turnout. Preparing for the upcoming 2024 General Election on Nov. 5th and planning for my absence Oct 8-21 with Lynn Divine. Now have administrative access in SAM.gov. Chair, Clerk, and Treasurer need access, at a minimum. Three assessment calls and one email, mostly inquiring about mill rate. Open Book yesterday from 4pm to 6pm had no scheduled appointments, one town member showed up to talk with Assessor Jennie Martin, whom I met for the first time. Board of Review is on Tuesday, Sep. 17th from 6pm-8pm and so far, no scheduled appointments. Road crew stopped using QuickBooks Workforce app for clocking in. Didn’t work out for our needs. Used new business card for WTA Workshop fee for three. Request to purchase Norton Antivirus. Approved. Treasurer: sent Profit and Loss and Balance Reports to board via email. Lynn will reconcile and balance when she returns. Would like something on the webpage about seeking elected positions in town. A motion by Jim Park and seconded by Scottie Sandstrom to accept the clerk and treasurer reports. All Ayes, motion carried. Chair mentioned idea about approving all reports at one time.

Chair report: Bayfield Co. Bridge Aid for N. Church Corner Rd for $35k for next year. Town would pay half. Landfill: hauling clay from city spoil, small part done and there is a dozer onsite spreading. Motion to accept Chair’s report by Supervisor Park and seconded by Supervisor Sandstrom. All Ayes, motion carried.

Plan Commission: Kim Bro not at meeting but asked Mike to check on driveway for short-term rental. He will do that.

Road Work Protocol: Chair stated that any road work questions go to Mike and then he can contact Board individually if he needs assistance.

Shouldering 251: Just over $600 left to spend. Hill is finished, almost to Long Lake. Three more loads coming. Not enough to finish, only about half-way. Leave till next year. The town is responsible for shouldering on Forest Roads. Crooked Lake next year.

Wannebo Road Update: Supervisor Sandstrom stated shoulders are done. Invoices are coming in, one from WisDOT so far. Town will have to wait and see for how much we owe. Discussion on striping. Can do quite a bit with $5k. Prioritize roads with mindset that if striped, will need to be maintained by law, according to Mike. We can hire out the county to chip seal since they now have the equipment. Mike mentioned that there is a hard hit/transition at Wannebo and Ondossagon. Sandy will contact Northwoods Paving.

Accounting practices-document storage: Clerk suggested getting a couple of lockable filing cabinets to be placed in shop in office or the hallway.

Change of insurance for equipment: Chairperson talked with McCoy on replacement costs. This would raise insurance cost by about $995/year. Scottie made a motion to increase insurance cost premiums for grader, backhoe, and loader with a second from Jim. All Ayes, motions carried.

Budget for 2025: Chair Raspotnik will ask Lynn to add a blank column on budget sheet. Special meetings for Budget and employee contracts. Open budget meeting for Oct. 23 @ 1:30pm, closed meeting for contracts after.

Next agenda: Open Records Policy, document storage, Open Book Meeting, Hove Ln, Road Crew contracts and evaluations (October and November), and Budget.

Motion to authorize all payment of bills listed on Check Details dated August 7th through September 10th, 2024 by Jim Park, seconded by Scottie Sandstrom. All Ayes, motion carried.

At 8:28 pm, a motion to adjourn was made by Supervisor Park and seconded by Supervisor Sandstrom. All Ayes, motion carried. Meeting adjourned.



Lance Twombly, Clerk