Meeting Minutes July 9, 2024

Town of Washburn

Bayfield County

Town Meeting Minutes

July 9, 2024

Attendance: Sandy Raspotnik, Scottie Sandstrom, Jim Park, Lance Twombly, Matt Lippo, Kim Bro, Kodi Drinken, Matt Metzinger, Bob Mattson, Bob Short, Terri Short, Karin Kozie, Michael McKenna, Mike Sherry (Holden Insurance representative) and Jim Miller (Outreach Office for Congressman Tom Tiffany). Virtually: Lynn Adams, Wendy Stein, and Brenda Rechel.

At 7:00 pm, town meeting called to order by Chair Raspotnik. Road Superintendent Mike Harvey could not make tonight’s meeting.

Meeting notices were posted in the two public places, on the website, and Ashland Daily Press, which never gets printed.

Public comments:

· Bob Mattson raised concerns about the commercial operation (boat storage) occurring on Church Corner Rd between Paulson Rd and Maple Hill. They do not have a permit and are not authorized to use the logging access road, allegedly on Susan Dunn’s property, to access Karen Hopkin’s (deceased) property. Logging access road is not an approved driveway. This group has been kicked out of other local communities. Chair had reached out to Town of Bell prior but has not received a response. Landowner needs to contact law enforcement about trespassing. Town will pursue this with Bayfield County. Property lines may need to be defined.

· Terri Short requested that West Maple Hill Road is on the 5-year Road Plan to be blacktopped. There are 11 homes on this road, they have been patient, waiting a long time. West Maple Hill is on the Plan, and it was looked at for this year but that money had to go to assist a common road with Town of Barksdale.

· Karin Kozie asked the town to hold off on approving a Letter of Support for Apostle Islands National Lakeshore changing designation to National Park. Her understanding is that local tribes were not consulted, not in bill. Bill needs clarification about the reserve portion and hunting. Jim Miller, representative for Tiffany, is here tonight to discuss this topic.

· Micheal McKenna is concerned about AirBnBs with housing in short supply and how this may exacerbate the problem. Buying up properties for rentals could change the community. Can these properties be taxed higher? Land use regulations? Put a moratorium on them until these concerns are addressed?

· Wendy Stein suggested that the town creates a policy on short-term rentals before granting permits and looks at what other towns are doing. The town is looking into short-term rentals and how to manage them. Will wait on County’s plan to come out.

A motion to accept the agenda by Supervisor Park and seconded by Supervisor Sandstrom. All Ayes, motion carried.

Motion to accept last month’s minutes by Supervisor Sandstrom and seconded by Supervisor Park. All Ayes, motion carried.

Treasurer report: Balance and Profit and Loss Sheets for July 5th sent out to Board and Clerk. Been difficult for Clerk and Treasurer to meet with conflicting schedules. Will meet soon to work on Budget. Things going smoothly with QuickBooks Online. Two residents have not paid for snowplowing, invoices will be sent out. And three residents’ snowplow bills were added to their taxes. These individuals will be noted for next year, if they choose to have the town plow their driveways. Motion to approve treasurer report by Park and seconded by Sandstrom. All Ayes, motion carried.

Clerk update: Submitted PA-551 with Assessor’s help to State of Wisconsin. Worker’s Comp Insurance Audit submitted to Rural Insurance for April 2023-April 2024. Dealt with minor payroll issues, but QuickBooks support is super helpful and hopefully, there will be fewer in the future. Completed WisVote training and got signed in. Worked with Bayfield County Clerk Lynn Divine on how to issue Absentee Ballots. 29 were sent out, five returned so far. Issued one Fireworks Permit. Possibly have this form on website? Organizing and storing photo IDs and destroying previous Absentee Ballot applications since they are only valid for the current year. Lynne Borchers and Caroline Twombly given Oath of Office to be Election Officials and will help on August 13th Partisan Primary Election. Quarterly Wage Report sent to WI Department of Revenue. Working with Chief Inspector Ruth Hartzell and Lynn Divine on upcoming election, schedules, machine prep, etc. Road Crew asked if the town could get a credit card to save money on fuel filters at Napa. Clerk will look into it. A motion by Jim Park and seconded by Scottie Sandstrom to accept the clerk’s report. All Ayes, motion carried.

Road Crew report: Grader is back but had to replace a hydraulic hose. Matt trained on the grader. Busy laying rock on Forest Service roads and mowing. No more rock. Truck is also back. A motion by Jim Park and a second by Scottie Sandstrom to accept road crew report. All Ayes, motion carried.

Chair report: Change August Town Meeting from Tuesday, August 13th, Partisan Primary Election, to Tuesday, August 6th. Bridge Aid request submitted for next year. Dealing with rock in National Forest and reimbursements. Scottie suggested that the Home Assistance (to fix up homes) be added to town’s website. He will look into it. Motion to accept Chair’s report by Supervisor Park and seconded by Supervisor Sandstrom. All Ayes, motion carried.

Landfill Mowing Bid: Chair turned meeting over to Supervisor Jim Park for this portion. Only one bid from Duane Raspotnik for $575. He will mow the same as last year, but not the wet areas. A motion by Park to accept the $575 bid from Duane Raspotnik, seconded by Sandstrom. Two Ayes, Chair Raspotnik abstained, motion carried.

Plan Commission membership: Hallie Sandberg resigned. Motion to nominate Caroline Twombly to serve the rest of Sandberg’s term (1-2 years) made by Supervisor Park and seconded by Supervisor Sandstrom. Motion carried with all Ayes.

Plan Commission: Kim Bro gave a report on short-term rentals. There is a state law that prevents communities from prohibiting these rentals. The town currently only has one, Potter’s Farm. Drinken property would be the second, when approved. Plan Commission recommends town approve Kodi Drinken’s short-term rental permit on condition of meeting upcoming County ordinances and adding T-turnaround in driveway. Bayfield County is in the process of providing requirements and criteria for permits. There will be 24-hr contact person for issues. Zoning and Health Department requirements renewed annually. Three or more valid complaints may prevent future permit approval. County and town are seeing smaller lots sizes (5 acres) with more houses.

Aging population with family moving closer. Impact community services in Washburn and Ashland. Town of Washburn needs a strong plan to keep rural character in regard to natural resources. Boat storage operation is a county issue. The Chair stated that town does not have any enforcement, we rely on county. Ultimately, the owner is in violation regarding permits and driveway. Trespassing is a law enforcement matter. Jim Park made a motion to recommend approval of Kodi Drinken’s short-term rental permit on condition of meeting County ordinances and driveway permit approval. Seconded by Scottie Sandstrom. Motion carried with all Ayes.

Holden Insurance Policy overview: Mike Sherry gave a brief description of the town’s new insurance policy and how the Board should look it over carefully to ensure that there is enough coverage.

Wannebo Road Update: Supervisor Sandstrom gave handout to Board. Pulverizing will begin a week later on July 29th, not on the 22nd. Scottie will contact residents. Start location, east- or westside, has not been confirmed. The road will still be open, one lane with flaggers. Working from dawn to dusk, Monday through Friday, with possible Saturday make-ups for rain, etc. Weekly meetings will begin July 30th. Scottie will send Jim a description of the construction so that it can be added to town website. Project completed by Labor Day.

5-year Road Plan Update: Scottie gave a handout. West Maple Hill is on plan. Fall 2025? LRIP, a 50/50 grant, for funding? Will have to compete for it. Crack seal maintenance. Motion to start crack sealing on Ondossagon Rd (Wannebo to Engoe) and Nevers Rd (Ondossagon to Bjork) using mastic material made by Sandstrom and seconded by Park. All Ayes, motion carried. Supervisor Park made a motion to approve the updated 5-year Road Plan, seconded by Supervisor Sandstrom. Motion carried with all Ayes.

Accounting practices: Clerk will check on a password storage application like KeePass or Bit Warden. The one Supervisor Park checked into was too expensive.

Letter of Support for Apostle Islands changing designation to National Park: Motion made by Scottie to open floor to Jim Miller, Outreach Office for Tom Tiffany representative, seconded by Jim. Motion carried with all Ayes. The first Committee hearing will be on July 26th in Washington, D.C. They already have other letters of support from local chambers and towns. The thought of creating the one and only National Park in Wisconsin is to bolster economic development in the area. Red Cliff was contacted months ago, but Apostle Islands has not. Only talking with NPS in DC. Chair Raspotnik is not ready to support this designation yet because there are too many unanswered questions with ability for the area to handle an increase in visitors with housing, parking, staff, etc. She suggested a local hearing to get communities’ comments. Chair made a motion to not issue a Letter of Support for Apostle Islands changing designation to National Park, seconded by Jim Park. Motion carried with all Ayes. Park and Sandstrom stated that the town could possibly support this in the future.

Hiring Policy: Scottie resent emails. Board discussed Application draft and made suggestions and corrections. Town is trying to minimize amount of confidential information to ensure it is not released in an Open Records request. Scottie will finalize wording and send to Jim for review.

Letters of Appreciation for Service: Motion to send Letters of Appreciation for Service with $35 gift certificate to Coco’s Restaurant in Washburn to Jan Carlson, Hallie Sandberg, and Kerry Tetzner made by Jim, seconded by Sandy. Motion carried with all Ayes.

Next agenda: Hiring Policy, Wannebo Rd Update, Insurance coverage changes, add Confidential Information criteria to Open Records Policy.

Motion to authorize payment of bills by Jim Park, seconded by Sandy Raspotnik. All Ayes, motion carried. Clerk will look into a more efficient process of approving bills such as sending out a list of checks, payments instead of Board initialing all paperwork/receipts.

At 10:02 pm, a motion to adjourn was made by Supervisor Park and seconded by Supervisor Sandstrom. All Ayes, motion carried.

Lance Twombly