Minutes April 11, 2017

April 11, 2017

Regular Board Meeting called to order at 7:00 p.m.. Present: Bruce Hokanson, Kerry Tetzner, John Hartzell, Steven Tetzner, Pat Guske Ron Micheal, Wendy Stein, Kathleen Russel, and Donna Chapman.

Meeting notices were properly posted in the three public places and published in the Daily Press.

Meeting minutes from the March 14, 2017 meeting were read and written copies given to the Board Members. Motion by John Hartzell and a second by Steven Tetzner to accept as presented. Motion carried. All Ayes.

Donna gave Treasurer’s report. All books are balanced. Property taxes are paid. Motion by Steven Tetzner and a second by John Hartzell to accept report. Motion carried. All Ayes.

Mike Harvey gave Crew report. A discussion on buying cutting edges for next winter on all plowing equipment at a cost of $6556.28. A motion by Steven Tetzner and a second by John Hartzell to buy the cutting edges for $6556.28. Motion carried. All Ayes. A cylinder on the back hole blew out will cost around $600.00. A motion by John Hartzell and a second by Steven Tetzner to have the cylinder repaired. Motion carried. All Ayes. The bush rake needs new blanks for the quick cuplor for a cost around $800.00. A motion by Steven Tetzner and a second by John Hartzell to have the part repaired. Motion carried. All Ayes. Everything else is running smoothly. A motion by Steven Tezner and a second by Bruce Hokanson to accept report. Motion carried. All Ayes.

The Plan Commission met for a permit for Gary and Darlene Thompson to bring in a double wide home. The matter was tabled until Bayfield County Zoning has finished.

Gravel is needed on Priest Road and Gasperini Road. Mike will figure out how much is needed for this and other projects needing gravel and crushed black top this summer.

The salt is ordered for this winter from Bayfield County, 115 ton.

The Town received a grant for FR 697 of $25,000.00 for gravel from the Chequamegon-Nicolet National Forest.

A motion and a second to pay all current bills.

A motion and a second to adjourn.

Kerry Tetzner, Clerk