Meeting Minutes September 5, 1991
Regular meeting called to order at 7:30 P.M. Present Pohlman, Retzloff, Haugen, Tetzner and Chapman. Also Jerry Flonnes.
Minutes of July 30 and August 6, 1991 were read and copies given to Board members. Motion by Haugen and a second by Retzloff to accept as read. Motion carried.
Donna presented Treasurer’s summary. Motion by Retzloff and a second by Haugen to accept. Motion carried.
Roger Nordeen and Ken Thimm of Wisconsin D.O.T. appeared concerning right of way acquisition for Sioux River Bridge. Two parcels from Carol Nevala et al and DNR. Explained procedure and dates.
Rocky Kavajecz appeared concerning changing zoning on his property from Forestry F1 to Agricultural A- 1. Motion by Retzloff and a second to approve this change. Motion carried. County zoning hearing September 10, 1991.
Ed Pajala appeared concerning his son building a house on land zoned agricultural. Motion by Retzloff and a second by Haugen to approve placing a non farm residence in an Agricultural-1 zoning district in NWNW Sec 5-48-5. Approval needed for the Bayfield County zoning Committee. Motion carried.
Leland Harvey reported on installing and wiring new fuel tanks. Discussed procedure for removing old tanks. Discussed rental of brush cutting machine from Ison. Will contact Ison. Bill Mihalek of Ison was present and explained rental plans.
Chairman Pohlman reported on new agreement with City of Washburn and Town of Bayview for landfill maintenance. Motion by Haugen and a second by Retzloff to approve new contract. Motion carried. Copy on file.
Timm Retzloff reported on FCC Frequency and License for Town equipment radios.
Motion and a second to pay all current Town bills.
Motion and a second to adjourn.
Philip E. Tetzner, Clerk