Meeting Minutes September 1, 1988


Meeting called to order at 7:30 P.M. Present Pajala,  Michalik, Sorenson, Tetzner and Slusser.

Minutes of August 4, 1988 were read. There being no additions or corrections it was moved and 2nd that they be accepted as read. Motion carried.

Discussed buying limestone rock for road gravel from Bob Olson for $8.00 a yard hauled on town roads.

Discussed up to $1,000 offer of gravel from U.S. Forest Service for gravel on forest roads. Town will accept.

Motion by Michalik 2nd by Sorenson to have a 3 person Election Board for the Primary Election September 13, Motion carried.

Motion and 2nd to pay all current town bills.

Motion and 2nd to adjourn.

Discussed transportation school at Cable in October.

Philip E. Tetzner


Link to Original Minutes for 1988