Meeting Minutes October 8, 2019
October 8, 2019
Regular Board Meeting called to order at 7:00 p.m.. Present: Kerry Tetzner, Sandy Raspotnik, Brenda Rechel, Wendy Stein, John Adams, Mike Harvey, Ron Rechel, Stephanie Lodge, Ron Micheal, Jim Miller, Scott Sandstrom, Mike Cariveau and Kelly Pederson.
Meeting notices were properly posted in the three public places and published in the Daily Press.
Roll call was taken. All present.
Public comment took place.
Meeting minutes from the September 12 and September 17, 2019 meetings were read and written copies given to the Board Members. Motion by John Adams and a second by Wendy Stein to accept as presented. Motion carried. All Ayes.
Brenda gave Treasurer Report. All books are balanced. The Clerks and Treasurer’s computers are mirrored. One residence has not paid snow plow bill and will be put on property taxes. A motion by Wendy Stein and a second by John Adams to accept report. Motion carried. All Ayes.
Mike Harvey gave road crew report. The crack sealing has started and salt sand mixed. Land fill needs some dirt to feel pot holes. Paulson Road Culvert has been put in. A motion by Wendy Stein and a second John Adams to accept report. Motion carried. All Ayes.
A motion by Sandy and a second by Wendy Stein to accept election worker list. Motion carried. All Ayes.
Discussion on internet service from Century Link and Bayfield Wireless. Both companies are applying for the grant. A motion by Sandy Raspotnik and a second by John Adams to have Jim Miller and Scottie Sandstrom appointed to oversee project and report to the Board. Motion Carried. All Ayes. A motion by Sandy Raspotnik and a second by Wendy Stein to have the Town put $5000.00 toward the grant for both companies. Motion carried. All Ayes.
The FLAP grant is waiting on project estimates.
Sandy will check with Paul Johanik on the TRIP grant.
Kelly Pederson spoke on the need for housing and asked the Town Board for a donation of $699.60 toward a survey. A motion by Sandy Raspotnik and a second by John Adams to donate $699.60 to the survey if the City if Washburn does the same for their portion. Motion carried. All Ayes.
West Maple Hill and North Maple Hill are closed to snowmobiles.
A motion and a second to pay all current bills.
A motion and a second to adjourn.
Kerry Tetzner, Clerk