Meeting Minutes October 6, 1988

OCTOBER 6, 1988

Meeting called to order at 7:30 P.M. Present Pajala, Sorenson, Michalik, Tetzner, Slusser and Leland Harvey.

Minutes of September 1, 1988 were read. There being no additions or corrections it was moved and 2nd that they be accepted as read.

Discussed limestone gravel placed on town roads.

Discussed work on landfill road.

Discussed work done at landfill by Brevak Construction: Possible seeding at site on filled section.

Discussed centerline stripping to be possibly done this fall and cost.

Motion and 2nd to pay all current town bills.

Motion and 2nd to adjourn.

Motion and 2nd to have next meeting on Wednesday, November 2. 1988.

Motion and 2nd to have budget meeting on October 20. 1988 at 7:30 P.M.

Motion and 2nd to have budget hearing at 7:30 P.M on Wednesday November 2, 1988 before regular meeting.

Philip E. Tetzner


Link to Original Minutes for 1988